SMASH Media brings you Inspired and Original Titles in online comics and manga. Our mission is to provide a platform for independent creators to showcase their work and for readers to discover new and exciting stories!
You could be reading a title from an Author in East Africa, India, Japan, Spain, Mexico, France, Germany, Malaysia, Cambodia, or even Canada & the US.
All submitted titles are reviewed with careful attention to detail to lay out the groundwork and guidelines for what's to come, months ahead of release, in order to ensure reader safety and Author authenticity.
SMASHMedia.co intends to publish Independent Authors with an all-faithful, all-you business model; Our vision is to cultivate new & ingenuitive creatives like you, as we SMASH the barriers of those distant fantasies, transforming them into tangible reality.
Partnering with SMASH! Media co
When partnering with us, our mission is to foster excellence within the goals you've laid for yourself, and your title.​
We believe strongly in The Art of Advisory, instead of Creative Control; with systems and resources in place to guide your production cycles, take note of your Strengths and Weaknesses, and grant Good-willed Constructive Feedback to feed your mental & creative growth to take you to the next level.
Will you go above and beyond to craft an all-new Original Title to debut the platform?
Or perhaps you have a pre-existing title in mind!
It's all up to you to Seize, and Capitalize.
Tell us about it, at pitch@smashmedia.co